Five Ways to lower your Carbon EmissionsRetiring Dentist

Five Ways to lower your Carbon Emissions

April 30, 2021

Five Ways to lower your Carbon Emissions

The UK government has recently announced plans to speed up its climate change target and cut carbon emissions by 78% by 2035. 

You may be wondering how you can help with these figures…

Or whether that is possible at all. 

It is. 

Here are five ways to help you do your bit…

1: Switch to recycled disposables, such as towels and tissues. Switching to recycled disposables should be part of a larger paperless transition that moves communication and documentation into the digital sphere.

2: Use BPA-free composites. Amalgam has been criticized for a while now, due to its harmful environmental impact of mercury. When possible, use dental composites free of Bisphenol A (BPA).

3: Encourage the use of non-plastic hygiene products, such as bamboo toothbrushes.

4: Use reusable small equipment. Reduce your reliance on single-use materials and equipment by opting for more environmentally friendly alternatives.

5: Change to less toxic cleaning products. Look for biocompatible disinfectant cleaners and sprays that are free from harmful chemicals like aldehyde. 

Not only do these values need to be in place in your current Dental Surgery, they need to be in place in any future practices you intend to acquire. 

If acquiring is something you are thinking about, download our eBook The Dentist’s Practice Acquisition Checklist, now. 

It will ensure you don’t make costly mistakes when going through this tricky process. 

Best wishes, 

Kimberley Hagues 

PS Want to know how many types of due diligence there are? Click here.

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