The Seven Deadly Sins of Selling your Dentistry Business

When you get your free 7 steps on how to avoid an unsuccessful sale eBook you will discover how these 7 sins have consistently cost dentistry sellers fortunes, including...

•    The five golden rules to abide by that will guarantee you the cash that you deserve for your lives work. 

•    The critical tools that are essential to understanding the buyer’s perspective on acquisitions and how you can use it to your advantage and secure a premium offer.

•    The six key metrics which determine the value of your business, so you do not unwittingly accept a poor offer.

•    The most overlooked strategy that is essential for making sure your business sale doesn’t tank soon after completion, destroying your lives work. (72% of failed transitions were caused from not understanding the fourth deadly sin correctly).

Only 97 free copies of this eBook available. Receive it now!

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Please read the book, it really is full of useful information you will find beneficial.

Yours faithfully,

Kimberley Hagues

The UK's leading business broker for professional practices.